Transversal Learning and Development


GBS-TGX Overview

THINK GLOBAL EXCHANGE is an international initiative geared toward entrepreneurs and organization leaders who yearn for global impact through their local initiatives.

This program equips business minded individuals to be more employable, and entrepreneurs and leaders to be more competitive on the international markets and global initiatives. 


Key outcomes

In this program you will learn trade financing, regulatory considerations, international business planning, sustainability, business strategies, business cultures to become more efficient in the global trade market and on negotiating win-win partnerships. 

Who should take this specialization

CORE ELECTIVES [3 are required]

|    Global Business Strategies   
|    Trade Shows: Getting the Most Out of Your Trade Show Experience 
|    Negotiating for Results   
|    Developing Your Executive Presence 
|    Encouraging Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Business
|    Managing Across Cultures 


GENERAL ELECTIVES [choose at least 1] 

|    Business Process Management   
|    Fostering Innovation   
|    Budgets and Managing Money   
|    Logistics and Supply Chain Management   
|    Purchasing and Procurement Basics   
|    Problem Solving and Decision Making 


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Sponsored Courses

For traveling members
  • Access to the 5 courses maximum
  • Test and quizzes
  • Technical Support with the Platform
  • Course Certificate of Completion
  • GBS-TGX Specialization
  • Program Badge

Regular Courses

NOT traveling members
  • Access to the 12 courses
  • Test and quizzes
  • Certification Exam
  • Technical Support with the Platform
  • Academic Assistance
  • Course Certificate of Completion
  • Certified Certificate of Specialization
  • Program Badge